Thursday, May 04, 2006


Here’s a story by Maddy, 6, written as a special thank-you to her friend L.Z.,
a friend of our family who lives in Texas but was in town recently
and left a darling purple sack full of Easter games and prizes at our front door.


L.Z. and her imaginary friend, Elzo, took a walk in the forest. L.Z. found a rabbit. Elzo found an owl. L.Z. went up ahead of the imaginary friend. L.Z. got lost. But Elzo sent the owl to fly overhead, and the bunny to hop forward, until they found her, and hugged. Then the imaginary friend found the end of the forest.

Then L.Z. and Elzo went on another walk around their neighborhood. L.Z. found a dog. The dog barked. The imaginary friend found a cat. The cat said, “Meow. Meow.” Then Elzo found a mouse. The cat almost got the mouse. L.Z. was soooooo worried about the mouse but she was happy that the mouse got away. The imaginary friend found a robin. The robin flew into the air, and the imaginary friend followed it to a tree next to a house and then, they walked up the sidewalk to the house. And then they went inside and they figured that that was their house. And the dog ran over to the house and the cat, and the mouse, and the robin and the bunny from the forest, all came. And the owl made a home in the tree by the house right next to the robin. Then, a turtle came to the house and a zebra came in to the neighborhood.

Elzo jumped up and said, “What are we going to do with all of these animals?” L.Z. said, “That’s a good question. Why don’t we start a zoo?”


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