Wednesday, May 17, 2006


If you’re too wimpy to shoot ‘em and you don’t want to organize a male protein spill to ward them off, and you need your Irish Spring to ward off your own B.O. in the shower, note that you can also prevent bunny rabbit holocausts of your tender garden plants with . . . tender garden plants.

Another stalwart bunny war correspondent, broadcasting live from the trenches in mid-town Omaha, reports that for years, she has planted a border of marigolds around her vegetable garden and she hasn’t had a bit of bunny problems.

She reports that marigolds are a two-fer for the frugal gardener: you can also boil a tea from the flowers and put it in a sprayer to make a natural pesticide. Hmm! Maybe you won’t NEED that Irish Spring in the shower any more!

OR . . . you can give the whole garden thing up, and just rock your whole yard like they do in Arizona.

OR . . . you can petition the governor to get industrial development bonds to build a Bunny Casino a few miles away from your place, so they’ll all hop there and stay there. Anyone for a little Rabbit Roulette?

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