Friday, September 30, 2005


Every once in a while, you have to talk to a Texan just to get caught up on slang with a twang. I have a new “accountability partner” for my new diet – yes, I’m back on Atkins and have already lost three pounds, thank you. Sharyl is an old friend who lives in Fo’t Wo’th. She can call me for free in the evenings, so we chat about our respective trials and tribs in the war against flab. I just love to listen to a Texan talk.

The other day, she ended our conversation by saying:

“Wahhhhl, y’all go back to killin’ rats.”

Not that far from wrong, Pardner.


Prayer request: Birthday prayers for my lovely big sister Robin as she prepares for her daughter’s wedding in just a few weeks. Also, we pray for a Godly tenure as chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court for John Roberts, sworn in Thursday. He appears to be a wonderful person and it will be a privilege to meet his request for continued prayers. (Micah 6:8)

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