Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Our kindergartner attends a phonics school, and this week they’re studying the letter “g.” At the “letters center,” she is going to have to come up with words that start with “g” and draw a picture of them. So I was helping her “g-g-g-get” ready with a bedtime brainstorming session.

“How about ‘girl’?” I suggested.

She smiled, and nodded.

“How about ‘goat’?”

Another bingo.

I was soooo tired by then, I was stumped. But she came back with:

“Gore-made foods!”


Well, you know: you have home-made foods, and school-made foods (the class made applesauce on Monday – yum, yum), and food made in restaurants . . . so she had heard of this special type of food called “gore-made,” and thought it would fit right in on her letters paper.

I did my best imitation of a French chef. “Ho ho ho!!!! Sacre bleu!!!”

She frowned. “That doesn’t start with ‘g,’ Mom.”


Praise report: We are filled with gratitude over the very close call our high-school senior, Eden, suffered yesterday. The school parking lot is a speed raceway, and a boy going 35 mph slammed in to her car right at the driver’s side. We thank You for the miracle that she sustained only a bruised elbow and a slight case of shock, and we thank You for all those who helped. We fervently pray that this will be the end of the accidents there, and that changes will be made to protect kids in the future. I’ll write about it on Sunday. ‘Til then, Father, we fall at Your feet with thanksgiving and gratitude that no one was hurt, and for the lesson in how precious and wonderful Eden is. (2 Chronicles 32:7,8)

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