Thursday, September 29, 2005


I had one of “those” days yesterday, pinging from one Horrible Crisis That Must Be Solved to the next. Day’s end was a dinner for our daughter’s softball team and coaches before their conference tournament today.

I was bringing plates and such, tablecloths, centerpieces, pop and water, homemade salad dressing, cut-up fruit, and Gram D’s Fabulous Chocolate Ice Box Dessert. The latter is a multi-stage affair that kept me up late the night before, as it has to chill for several hours.

How I wish I could do that!

It was a wild day. I waited ‘til the last minute to prepare the big bowl of fruit so it wouldn’t get squishy, and fought off a squadron of fruit flies with my melon baller. Some might have pierced my defenses, but maybe the players would think they were strawberry seeds.

Naturally, this was the moment Maddy insisted that I teach her how to tie her shoes, and WAILED because she couldn’t do anything after making the “X.”

In haste, I slug-loaded everything into the car, strapped the shoeless Maddy in, said a prayer that I wasn’t running over the dog, and zoomed down the driveway, only to see our evening paper in 42 sections blowing merrily across our yard and the neighbors’ in high winds. I got out and chased it all down, then zoomed to school . . . where I realized I’d left Gram D’s Fabulous Chocolate Ice Box Dessert in the fridge at home.

I off-loaded what had been slug-loaded, raced back for it, tied Maddy’s shoes above her protests, burst back in to the dinner, and started the ultra-messy process of cutting and serving the dessert, with gooey chocolate on my hands, when Maddy announced for all to hear, “Mom, I have to go potty – NOW!”

The fetal position was sounding pretty good just about then.

Then I received this email from a reader about HER day:

“Well, this is the day the painters finished our house and wanted their check and the day the furnace people also came to put in a new one. The house is a mess and we're also keeping our granddaughter who has ringworm on her leg and can't go back to school for two more days and her brother is arriving after getting his cast off of his arm because it's too late to go back to school. . . .”

We both need someone to tie OUR shoes and feed US a swell dinner, for a change. I wouldn’t even mind a little fruit-fly garnish.


Prayer request: Allen, a good friend and staunch Christian, asks for prayer to relieve his recent bout with grumpiness that he guesses is related to his senior status. Lord, thank You for our elders, who are so honest about their feelings. Thank You for this wise old owl’s self-assessment, which encourages me to admit my own less-than-even moods. Help us all to seek prayers and help from friends when we’re feeling blue. Send Allen some “joy bombs” in the coming days so he’ll know his ultimate Cheerleader is on his side. (Hebrews 4:16)

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