Friday, September 23, 2005


A friend of ours mentioned that it was the vernal equinox the other day. We decided that would be a typical Midwestern name for an older lady – “Vernal Equinox and I are going to the flea market, Harold.”

Then he said he knew someone whose last name was Shipflinger. We remarked on the genesis of that name and what occupation it might have represented. You know, like the last name “Baker” must have had a great-great-great-great grandpa who really was a baker, and so on.

We decided he should marry Vernal Equinox. Then their child would marry someone whose last name was Knucklehead. Of course, they would have to hyphenate, in this day and age. And of course they would name their first-born after Grandma.

So we would have:

Vernal Equinox Knucklehead-Shipflinger.

I just feel sorry for the headline writers of the future, trying to cram all that on a one-column space.


Prayer request: We pray for the protection of the levees in New Orleans and that Hurricane Rita will be turned aside so that loss of life and property can be minimized. Lord, be with the Gulf Coast and show them Your compassion and glory in sparing life and limb in miraculous power. You promise in Your Word that You will not forsake us. Hear our prayer! (Deuteronomy 31:6)

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