Saturday, August 20, 2005


Hooray and hoo boy: the headlines had us on a roller-coaster ride yesterday.

First, the City of Omaha won the first round in the legal battle over whether or not they should get to annex our cute little town, Elkhorn. It’s so nasty and un-fun, after all we’ve done to build up our town. It’s soooooo depressing.

But that was the bad news. The GOOD news is, the Ten Commandments monument tucked away in a quiet public park in Plattsmouth, Neb., gets to stay there. The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against an atheist’s contention that it violated his constitutional rights to have it there on public property. It has been there since 1965, and nobody squawked before. It’s soooooo exciting that the judges realized it was just a nod to America’s Christian heritage that ought to stay.

So here’s what we do: we put up a Ten Commandments monument downtown, outside Omaha’s City Hall . . . with a red circle around No. 10, “Thou shalt not covet. . . .” We could add a little Post-It note that says, “Elkhorn.” And we could sign it this way:

“Don’t make me come down there! – God.”


Prayer request: Solace and rest for Elkhorn’s attorney, Duncan Young, who married a high-school chum of mine, and did a great job against tough odds in a losing effort at the trial level. Grant him success in the appeal, Lord, which is where we’ve hoped the tide would turn all along, as matters of law trump matters of politics. We’ll accept whatever comes, since You are sovereign and will make it work. May Your will be done, Father. (Ecclesiastes 7:14).

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