Monday, August 01, 2005


Maddy and I went to the new movie, “March of the Penguins,” yesterday in the heat of the day. Her dad and one sister are in Georgia at softball nationals, and her other two sisters were playing golf with their grandparents.

It was marketing genius to release that movie, with its gorgeous photography of icebergs and Antarctican snow vistas, in the dog days of summer. We actually cuddled because we were chilly, for once!

All babies are cute, of course, but not much beats the cuteness of baby penguins. Maddy loved the close-ups and their antics.

But what I loved best is how the documentary showed the unusual involvement of penguin fathers in caring for their young. It was incredible. Not only did it prove once again that evolution is an absolute crock, since both mom and dad penguins are equipped with special body parts specifically to get their young through the brutal winter – that had to have started off fully made and couldn’t have been built up incrementally over the eons -- but it put fatherhood in a tender and yet courageous light that was truly inspiring.

This movie should be shown on Father’s Day nationwide. If the father of your children was anything like this, rent him a tux and take him to this movie.


Prayer request: I am having an Internet discussion with a couple of atheists over whether the USA is a nation founded on Christian principles and other culture-war topics. It’s so hard, Lord, because they don’t know the Bible and don’t understand You, nor seem to want to. I covet prayer support from other believers to help me give them the truth, in a winning way, and open their hearts to the light of the Gospel. (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

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