Saturday, September 25, 2004


Our first-born daughter was a big baby -- a whopper -- over 10 pounds. People came from miles around just to look at her in the nursery and make wisecracks about how she’d be palming a basketball in no time and driving the taxicab home.

Hardy har har. She’s now a gorgeous and slim young woman. What do THEY know?

Well, I’m pleased and proud to announce that we now have another big, beautiful, blonde baby in the family. My grandniece, Paisley, weighed in at 9 pounds, 6 ounces. It was a dramatic, complicated delivery, and we ask your continued prayers for the recovery of Paisley and her mama, who’s very petite and very sore today from an emergency C-section. More later on what happened.

I’m just remembering that, when news of our big baby spread in the family 21 years ago, Paisley’s daddy was then about 4. His mom explained to him what a big, bouncing baby his new cousin was, with chubby arms and legs and cheeks and chins.

He beamed at her with his well-scrubbed, cute, full-moon face. ‘’She’s got MY cheeks!’’

Well, guess what? So does Baby Paisley. Welcome, precious angel girl.


Prayer request: Lord, You know we had some very anxious moments over some birth trauma that Paisley and her mom went through, because You heard about it in fervent prayer all day. Our joy was unbounded when the turnaround came and the news was good. Thank You, Oh, God, for Your gracious answer. And I’m still smiling over how my Bible fell open to this verse about delivering Your beloved -- just as You delivered our beloved Paisley. (Psalm 108:6)

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