Saturday, April 22, 2006


I was feeling like an intellectual stud muffin. I had just completed a five-part series for my education website,, on the current controversy raging in the Omaha Public Schools. It was chockablock full of pertinent facts and innovative alternatives for reformed public policy in the crucial area of public education. Chockablock!

Voila! I dispatched the last installment by email, imagining that my readers would all have to wear sunglasses and sunblock, the ideas were so blazingly brilliant and the journalistic explication so fabulous. Chockablock, I tell you!

Hurriedly, I helped Maddy get dressed in her cute little uniform for kindergarten, picked up the carpool, and strolled into school. I visited for a moment with the paraprofessional, still secretly feeling like a total genius -- Woman of Stupendous Cranial Powers!

Just then, I noticed I had put Maddy’s navy skort on backwards. We rushed to the restroom to fix it. Yeah! Right! Like, anybody ought to pay attention to MY ideas. I can’t even dress my little GIRL!!!


What was that noise?

Just God’s little pinprick. He had to burst my self-important little balloon . . . again. Chastened, I returned to my usual state:

Woman With the IQ of a Stump!

Thanks, Lord. I needed that.

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