Thursday, April 20, 2006


We were discussing weird funeral arrangements. OK, I know it’s strange. But I once saw a coffin with an elaborately embroidered message on satin fabric on the inside of the lid. It would have been the last thing the dead person would see, if the dead person COULD see. It looked something like this:

Going Home

I don’t know why, but it creeped me out. Our daughter was more pragmatic. “Geez, Mom,” (she says that a lot). “We just celebrated Easter and the Resurrection. We’re all going to get eternal life. Death isn’t such a horrible thing. Isn’t that what that message is saying?”

I looked off into space, frozen with fear over what SHE was going to have them embroider on the inside of MY coffin someday. No doubt it would say something like:

Geez, Mom

She thought my blank stare and faraway frown meant I wasn’t convinced.

“I mean, put it this way,” she said. “If we were really serious about our faith, shouldn’t we be tying festive tin cans on the backs of funeral hearses, with streamers and a big sign that says . . .


Well, geez. She’s right! And the license plate should read:

Going Home

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