Wednesday, December 08, 2004


What some people won’t do for attention. It seems the Denver police department found 12 guys and 12 gals to pose, buck naked, for a 2005 calendar.

Not only that, but they’ve put these officers’ pictures up on the Internet!

Oh, the nerve of these people! How disgusting! It’s a sad commentary on our society.

If you feel you must see it for yourself:


Prayer request: Quite seriously, now, Lord, we are all concerned about the wave of pornography attacking our nation right now. It is not a laughing matter. Each of us can probably name at least one person struggling with that destructive addiction. It hurts marriages and family life, wastes time, and even leads to violence. The Internet just makes smut easier to obtain, even for children and teens. We pray in the Name of Jesus that their eyes would turn away from these unGodly images, toward the things that are better for their souls. Be careful, little eyes, what you see! (Proverbs 4:25)

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