Wednesday, December 15, 2004


A single dad we know was driving along with his beautiful teenage daughter. She noticed that he had a particularly long and gross nose hair.

‘’Dad, you have to pull that out right now! It’s disgusting!’’

‘’No, I can’t. I’m driving. If you want it out of there, you’ll have to pull it yourself.’’

‘’Pull it mySELF? Yuck! Gross!!!’’

But she couldn’t stand it one more instant. So she reached toward the offending follicle.

Just then, he ‘’farmer blew’’ – ejected material from his nostrils forcefully without benefit of tissue. Luckily, he missed her hand, but the point was made and memorably so.

Girls have to learn: Dear Old Dad can never be GQ if they don’t want to be . . . only GQewwwwww!!!


Praise report: A friend’s brother-in-law, Jim, emerged from emergency eye surgery with flying colors Tuesday after a staple accidentally went in to his eye in an on-the-job accident. Doctors were very upbeat that he wouldn’t lose even partial sight, but the challenge will be for this very active man to lay flat for three weeks to make sure it ‘’takes.’’ Thank You, Father, for the great outcome for this young husband and father of two. Help him see the wisdom of following doctor’s orders to preserve his precious sight, and to see Your provision and care through it all. (Rev. 3:18)

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