Monday, November 01, 2004


Last night, we had the last session in our Bible study on the book, ‘’The Purpose-Driven Life,’’ or PDL for short. ‘Course, in our group, we changed it to the ‘’Pregnancy-Driven Life,’’ since one couple was expecting their second child and, indeed, may have delivered him in the last few hours. We’re waiting to hear and are upholding Kerry, Jeff and their baby in prayer.

So they weren’t there last night, but we had fun, anyway. The DVD that comes with the Bible study lessons got stuck on a couple of occasions. It froze the speaker’s mouth in funny positions, with an awkward, dead silence. Then, with no intervention, he’d start speaking and moving again.

The third time this happened, our friend Dawn quipped, ‘’Well, it IS Halloween!’’

Everybody laughed.

We laughed harder a few minutes later, when the DVD was over and we were discussing it. Her husband, Sid, suddenly stopped talking in mid-word, and froze his expression and posture, just as had happened to the guy on the DVD.

What a trickster. Laughter is a treat any time. Best of all, it’s a lot less fattening than Halloween candy.

Prayer request: Father God, guide voters tomorrow to think of Your will first in deciding for whom to vote for President on down the ballot to dogcatcher. We cry out for righteous leaders! Help those of us who are fasting and praying today for this big event in the life of our nation. The war of words is over after this long campaign season. Now, in the Name of Jesus, let wisdom and grace prevail at the polls, for our good and Your glory. (1 Peter 2:15)

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