Monday, November 29, 2004


We knew it was coming. So we worked like dogs yesterday. We took down the cornstalks from the posts out front, and took in the gourds from our own garden that were still good. The hubby put his new snowblade on the pickup. We raked leaves in the gathering chill, blew out the barn floor thoroughly, and put Maudie the Tractor on blocks and under a tarp.

Then it snowed. Delightful! We all caught flakes with our tongues, and Maddy loved making impressions of her hands and bare feet in the slushy snow right outside the patio door.

Driving Maddy to preschool was a joy. She exclaimed at the way the snow bunched up here and scattered there.

She saw a vacant lot, with green weeds tall enough to stick out over the snow.

“Oh, there’s still some left for the ami-nals,’’ she said.

‘’Yes!’’ I replied. ‘’They have enough to eat. The bunnies and squirrels all have their cozy nests and homes where they can go to stay warm.’

She eyed the weeds. They weren’t THAT tall. She burst into tears.

“But what about the llamas?’’ she cried. ‘’Where do THEY go?’’


Prayer request: My Uncle Dave is battling emphysema, and was just not feeling well enough to join us for Thanksgiving. He was missed a lot. Oh, Father, giver of life and breath, comfort and sustain him through this trial. Send the Breath of Life into his lungs and his heart – Your presence and Your promises. (Isaiah 42:5)

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