Wednesday, November 17, 2004


I had coffee yesterday with a friend who used to work in scientific research.

What was the subject of this research? Brine shrimp.

Specifically, she told me, she was helping to study the reproductive cycle of the brine shrimp -- its sex life, in other words.

I was in the process of digesting this information and wondering what on earth was the practical application, and whether she knew how weird and boring that sounded, when she added:

“I was in charge of making their little teddies. . . .’’


Prayer request: Today we lift up a beautiful but weary widow who is really struggling with all the feelings and problems that come with widowhood. She says in all honesty that you just can’t know what it’s like unless you’ve been through it yourself. How true that is. Her husband was such a darling, and they were so much in love. The pain of her loss, and a certain heaviness, is so apparent. It’s so hard to see Your perfect timing in situations like hers, Lord. But, oh, Jesus, we know You are there for her. We praise You for the encouragement and help that You are already sending, and we ask for her Thanksgiving and Christmas to be filled with honor, loved ones and sweet memories. (1 Timothy 5:3)

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