Thursday, June 24, 2004


Last weekend’s softball tournament in Sioux Falls, S.D., had some down time for my husband and our 4-year-old. So he took her to the city zoo, which was adjacent to the ballfields.

Four times. Four times in two days, he took her to the zoo for a diversion.

On Sunday, the coach told my husband that they wouldn’t be able to visit the zoo that day, too.

‘’Why not?’’ asked my spouse.

‘’Because the duck died,’’ said the coach.

He was only kidding. Those South Dakota towns are . . . sitting DUCKS for Nebraska sarcasm.


Prayer request: I seek to be meek, Lord. It’s a stretch. You tell us in Your Word how to do it, but it’s hard. When conflicts arise, help me to lean on my sweet, meek Savior and follow Him. (Matthew 11:29)

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