Monday, June 21, 2004


The hubby took Maddy to fabulous Sioux Falls, S.D., for a long weekend while our third daughter, Eden, competed in a softball tournament. She had a double and a triple . . . but Dave had a home run by giving me a much-needed break from daily care of a very active, imaginative and challenging 4-year-old.

Did I go to the casinos and bars? Did I lay in bed 20 hours a day, sleeping, drooling and eating bonbons? Noooooo. I cleaned the basement to a fare-thee-well. Might not sound too glamorous. But boy, does it feel good.

They came home last night. Maddy was pretty clingy and teary, even though she had been an angel while she was gone. We snuggled for a couple of hours. She play-acted a torrid tale of separation anxiety between two stuffed animals, a ‘’mother lamb’’ and a ‘’baby lamb.’’ It was obvious she had missed me.

And I had missed her. At bedtime, I leaned in close for our customary four kisses, which she delights in counting, one for each year of her age.

But she had added a new wrinkle. This time, she grabbed her ears with both hands, and yanked them down while thrusting her lips outward, dramatically, for the kiss . . . 1,2,3,4. It was all I could do to keep a straight enough face to pucker.

Welcome home, Maddy. And pass the tranquilizers . . . for Mommy.


Prayer request: A friend’s sister and four young children are flying today to Europe. They will be separated from their father for a long time. Please pray for them to be good travelers for the sake of the nerves of their mother and fellow passengers, and to arrive safely and be accepting and patient about the separation. (Romans 8:38,39)

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