Saturday, April 30, 2005


I read about a mother of a 2-year-old who diligently dieted until she had dropped a pants size. You’ll see why I chose that word in a moment:

She was proud that she could wear her yoga pants lower on her hips to show off her more svelte physique. She hauled her little child with her on errands, including a stop at the post office with an armload of packages to mail. She instructed her little one to stay close to her, and the little one complied by velcro’ing herself to Mom’s pant legs. . . .

You guessed it! The newly loose sweatpants plunged down around Mom’s ankles, right there in the crowded P.O. You could say she was more embarrassed than P.O.’ed.

But that’s why I don’t diet. It’s easy enough already for me to look silly in public. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. Pass the M&M’s.


Praise report: Father, in the three houses we’ve lived in since we were married, there has always been a “signature” tree. First it was the enormous silver maple that shaded our back yard and three others. Next it was the magnificent Chinese elm that survived the wave of elm disease and gave so much character and life to our driveway and front yard. Now it is the incredibly beautiful Japanese snow crab right outside our kitchen window. It buds red, turns pink, and blossoms white, like a huge popcorn ball right now. Lord, Your amazing creativity shows up so much in the wonderful trees that share our lives. We look up at them . . . and see You. (Genesis 2:9)

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