Saturday, January 15, 2005


She’s 6’2”, and she’s beautiful. She’s been a good friend and softball teammate for my daughter since middle school. But she’s moving away to Texas. She’s sad. But she’s excited about the change and its bonus: since they play softball in the spring in Texas, she’ll get two seasons in this year.

Because she’s so tall, they sometimes call her “Ogre.” She loves my chocolate raspberry dessert. I’m going to miss her sooooooo much, too.

In my day, I would have bought her a card, and that would have been it. But these are high-tech days.

So my daughter made her a slideshow on the computer with about 80 photos of their escapades with shaving-cream fights and making funny faces and softball championships and just hangin’ around. She scanned them in and set them to two of her friend’s favorite songs, with cool effects like dissolves. Just as the music is ending and the lyrics say something like “we’ll be friends forever,” my daughter scanned in a postcard from Texas with two armadillos, side by side.

I’m no armadillo. I’m far from thick-skinned. It made me cry.

But it made me smile, too, to think how special Ogre will feel, having that DVD. We may rage about the misuse of media by today’s teenagers . . . but here’s an example of why it can be wonderful, too.

Prayer request: One of the reasons my beloved got back into hunting was that he missed being out in Your beautiful nature, Lord. Even when it’s frigid out, it’s refreshing for the spirit to be kissed by Your wind and blanketed by silence and peace. Grant him a great time and a safe return, Lord, and maybe a couple of quail . . . but then I’d have to figure out how to cook them! (1 John 5:14)

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