Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The hardest-working person at the College World Series in downtown Omaha this year, who did the most running, will not get her name in the paper or an interview on ESPN, although she handled more adversity than anything anybody was up against on the ball field.

A friend of our daughter’s, she got a job helping out with the press conferences after each game, a hectic and stressful hour. She didn’t have to be there ‘til late in each game, so finding a parking place anywhere near the stadium was a trick.

One day, there was a doubleheader. She drove all the way downtown to the stadium, parked miles away, worked the first press conference, raced back to her car, and drove all the way across the city fighting rush-hour traffic, arriving just in time for her other part-time job, teaching ice skating. Just as she pulled up to the rink, though, her cell phone rang: there was something wrong with the rink that day, and lessons were canceled. O . . . K.

She drove all the way back across the city, and once again arrived in mid-game, so lots were all full and she had to park several blocks away. She legged it back to the press conference room. There was a one-hour rain delay that evening, so post-game festivities went late, and she didn’t get done working until after 11 p.m.

Then she had to walk all by herself in the pitch black back to her car. Naturally, it wouldn’t start: dead battery. So she called for help, trying not to get mugged in the meantime, and by the time she got on the road to go home, it was after 1 a.m.

But hey! She loved the job. She got to meet a lot of baseball players – and they were cute!

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