Saturday, October 23, 2004


In the ‘’now I’ve heard everything’’ department, guess why archaeologists in Wittenberg, Germany, are excited? They think they’ve unearthed . . . drum roll, please . . . MARTIN LUTHER’S BATHROOM.

I’ve never heard this before, but according to a news report, Luther is quoted as saying he was ‘’in cloaca,’’ or ‘’in the sewer,’’ when he was inspired to proclaim in contrast to Catholic Church teachings that the Bible says salvation is granted because of faith, not deeds. That started the Reformation and the Protestant Church.

And they think this was the scene of that inspiration . . . though there’s still no word yet from the science of archaeology as to exactly what was used in those days for toilet paper. If they unearth a Charmin wrapper with a logo in Old English type, then we’ll have something.

Seriously, now, the scholar suffered from constipation and spent many hours in contemplation on the toilet seat, the report said.

The stone room, nine meters square, was discovered during an excavation of the garden on Luther’s property, which dates to the 1500s.


Prayer request: Lord, I just thank You for the way You always encourage me with Your Word, which reminds me of all of Your promises and all of Your love for me. Thank You for my good prayer-mates Cindy, Chris, Lois and Audrey. Grant our requests and intercessions, that we all might see Your glory. (Isaiah 58:9)

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