Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Speaking of under-the-radar big, bad birthdays, a friend named Fred tried to avoid the traditional hazing from Executive Row the day he hit the Big 5-0 by quietly scheduling a business trip to South Carolina.

He smugly boarded the plane and arrived in the insurance field office half a country away . . . only to find that they had been tipped off! They had decorated the office with black streamers, and had a black cake with white icing and an old buzzard on it.

He was subjected to all the nasty insults and good-natured ribbing that he thought he was avoiding with his tricky gambit.

They wouldn’t let him eat the cake ‘til he went home with the boss and had the boss’ four grandchildren sing "Happy Birthday to Old Fred" in a wonderful southern drawl, amazed at the amount of flames that 50 candles put off.

When he got back, no one would admit to a thing. It was a “coup de fogie.”


Prayer request: A friend’s co-worker has a daughter Andrea who was hit in the head on Memorial Day and is going into surgery Wednesday morning to drain the water that has accumulated on her brain. The surgeons don't have a good outlook, but Father, we know You are able. We plead with You on this precious family’s behalf for a miraculous cure, but if it is not to be, we praise Your name even still for her sweet life. (Isaiah 48:9)

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