Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Maddy, 5, and I were snuggling on the porch during a torrential rainstorm. We gasped as the gusts of wind swept across the driveway onto our faces through the screen. We counted the seconds between lightning flashes and the boom-booms of thunder.

Suddenly, Maddy revealed to me some profound weather insight:

“When it rains, the clouds are going potty,” she informed me.

“They wipe with a rainbow . . .”

“. . . and they flush with a great, big tornado!”

Those cleaning chores in the W.C. won’t seem so boring and routine, now that I’ve got the big picture.


Prayer request: A reader named Karen is moving with her family to California today. Bless them and keep them safe as they travel, Lord. Give them many opportunities during this move and settling-in time to display their love for You and who they are because of You. (Matthew 5:16)

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