Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Teenage girls have a finely-honed sense of irony. They have nicknamed our daughter’s very gruff, serious, intimidating, tough, but excellent, chemistry teacher, whose first name is Jerry, “Jer-Bear.” Behind his back, of course!

Well, the other day, Jer-Bear was writing on the blackboard when an older student burst into the room.

“May I ask you a question?” he asked the teacher. The teacher nodded and put his chalk down.

The boy then asked brightly: “Are you going to bring your special brownies to the Advanced Placement review session tonight?”

You could have heard a pin drop. The teacher remained silent.

“Or how about those ‘blondies,’ with the chocolate chips?”

Again, the teacher was silent. The student left, perplexed. So the class was left wondering:

Has Jer-Bear gone soft on us?

Does he run home from school and put on a frilly apron?

Does he wear footie pajamas at night with a Barney motif?

Does he sleep in a racecar bed?

I’m not sure much chemistry was executed after that odd interruption. But at least there was a chemical reaction of humor and mirth among the kids, which is much needed right before final exams.


Prayer request: We pray for successful surgery in Minneapolis Thursday for a young Nebraska girl named Berea. Father, there’s a darling baby scheduled to be delivered on Thursday, too, two weeks early because of his mother’s preeclampsia condition. We call down a squadron of saints and angels to surround Jaci in the birth of Jackson, and we praise You for her healthy pregnancy and alert medical team. Lord, we praise You for my dear friend Cindy’s energy rebound and relative lack of symptoms as she goes through her third round of chemo. Last, but certainly not least, we lift up a 39-year-old man who is hospitalized with an acute liver problem. His mother and sister are friends of my friends, and they are wonderful Christians who have served You and Your people with grace. While doctors don’t hold out much hope, we point to Your word and the many times where impossible situations are met with miraculous solutions. Our two favorite words in the whole Bible are: “. . . but God. . . .” Lord Jesus, we pray that You will spare this young man and show us Your glory, once again. (1 Peter 1:23)

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