Thursday, May 27, 2004


My good friend Jeannie has a daughter getting married Saturday. The wedding is at our neighborhood pond and the reception is in Jeannie’s gorgeous backyard. The whole neighborhood has been in a tizzy, helping them get everything ready. Since 300 people are going to be driving past our humble home to get to Jeannie’s, I have been using my body as a human hammer getting the front yard shined and polished.

Every time I see them, I cluck my tongue like the ‘’tick tock’’ of a clock, as the countdown continues.

They are holding up remarkably well and only tear up about once every 5 minutes, as the emotions of this special time overwhelm them.

This morning, I was out in the front yard when Jeannie drove by. She pulled over to chat. She was in her jammies.

It seems the father of the bride left in his workout clothes to go to the health club early this morning, but forgot his business clothes. Rather than make him conduct business in a stinky T-shirt and boxers, she ran his big-boy clothes over to him.

‘’We all have so many things to think about,’’ she said, with a great, big smile . . . and tearing up.


Prayer request: Praises, Father, for the diligence of the caterer, musicians, photographer, landscaper and other professionals who are taking their responsibilities very seriously for this wedding. It is such a pleasure to see that excellent attitude. Reward them, we pray. (Numbers 18:31)

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