Monday, May 17, 2004


Our daughter’s softball team won another tournament last weekend. Whiling away the hours at the field, I often get to sample a smorgasbord of childhood memories in the way of ballfield treats. You know, taffy . . . dots . . . hot dogs . . . seeds. . . .

Somebody offered me a piece of Bazooka Joe bubble gum yesterday. It had probably been 35 years since I had some. The double rectangle shape was the same. The pink color was the same. The sweet taste was the same.

Much to my surprise, though, the colorful cartoon inside is now BILINGUAL.

In fact, it takes up so much room to translate the cartoon captions into Spanish, they’ve apparently dropped my favorite part, the clever little pun, quote or joke at the bottom.

Now, I welcome immigrants and encourage them to hang on to their important traditions as they overcome the various language barriers and mix into this great culture.

But I draw the line at Spanish for Bazooka Joe. That’s tampering with the American way. Hate to . . . burst their bubble . . . but I say, if you want to chew American, you have to learn to speak it.


Prayer request: We praise You and thank You that the cute elderly father from last week’s prayer list has recovered nicely from his blood infection emergency and is out of the hospital. Way to go, Lefty! And way to go, Lord! (Matthew 5:12a)

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