Tuesday, July 05, 2005


My nephew Mark is a computer engineer, and he’s beginning an exciting career with the Air Force this week.

It all started with his first computer. He bought it with his lawn-mowing money, and his mom chipped in halfsies. It was the hottest machine around, though we now laugh at how weak it was compared to today’s models: 64 megabytes of RAM, 2 megabytes of video memory and so forth. He was the envy of his school.

Well, recently, Mark built himself a new computer. It has a processor that is 10 times faster than his first machine of just a few years ago, with 1 gigabyte of RAM, 256 megs of video memory, a CD-burner, a DVD-ROM, DVD burner, two hard drives of 80 gigabytes and 40 gigabytes, plus seven fans to cool all that power. And all that in a case of his own design.

I forgot to ask him, but I bet it was cheaper, too, than his original hot machine.

Thank goodness the human race doesn’t come with rapid improvements like that. I’d be worse than a white elephant. I’d be an antique!


Prayer request: We lift up this wonderful and intelligent young man, Father, for Your “inspection” as he begins his officer training. We rejoice that he has chosen to share his gifts with his country through the Air Force. We pray that his time in the service will be fulfilling and exciting. Bring him home to us often, and keep his heart at home with You always. (Philippians 4:9)

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