Monday, February 07, 2005


Someone I know had a tragicomical episode over the weekend. She put a painful crick in her neck . . . by pulling off a hooded sweatshirt the wrong way.

No, it wasn’t me. But I’ve done stuff like that. Someone else I know put a painful crick in HIS neck by merely standing in the shower and lazily moving his cheek to get water on it. We called him “Turkey in the Shower,” a takeoff on that all-American folk song that you just HAVE to whistle to, except you can’t, if you have a painful crick in your neck.

Turns out we aren’t the only ones dealing with this. We heard about a guy named Nick with the nickname “Nick the Neck.” He has a longstanding neck injury that requires someone else to sit in the passenger seat whenever he drives, and be his “neck” – his peripheral vision.

Gee. With that nickname, I thought he was a really good kisser.


Prayer request: Warm-hearted birthday greetings today to my friend Ann, who marks the Big 5-0. She is a shining example of success in single motherhood, despite all the obstacles. She works hard at a full-time job, and is caring for a parent with a tough, chronic illness. With her sense of humor, though, she has been a blessing to family and friends and has honored Your ways. Lord, hear our prayer to draw Ann close to Your heart and strengthen and encourage her for the road ahead. (Psalm 103:1)

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