Saturday, February 12, 2005


You’ve heard of the DeanDome and the SuperDome. Well, when Maddy’s telling stories, this house becomes . . . the RanDome.

Maddy has been dictating Valentine’s Day epics to go with her original artwork of red and pink paint, glitter and stickers. Two blobs fall in love and get married; one blob was trapped in a cage but found a heart key and got out; two other young lover-blobs go to the playground together. It’s formula romance, a genre that works this time of year.

Well, my favorite is the saga of Jack and Daisy. This time, they’re monsters, not blobs. Well, actually Jack is a monster and Daisy is an alien. Jack has one eye and eight noses, and though we’re spared details of Daisy’s visage and fashion choices, I’m sure they’re monstrous. Everyone else is afraid of them, but they’re not afraid of each other. They fall in love and walk home. The End.

If that’s not an allegory for every love story I’ve ever heard. . . .


Prayer request: Today is “Darwin Day,” the birthday of Charles Darwin. It’s marked by atheists and evolutionists who rely on that Godless theory of the creation and development of the universe and the Earth. While evolution is being increasingly debunked by scientific findings, they cling to it, and it still provides a framework for people to deny God. Lord Jesus, we lift up to You a few special people who need to know You and feel Your touch. Send Your Spirit to lead them to make that leap of faith toward You, and leave behind this satanic deception. We pray for Duane, Les and PZ. (Gen. 1:1)

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