Thursday, December 25, 2003



Most families have been touched by divorce, just one more reason all families have to practice acceptance and readjustment on a regular basis. At Christmastime, it can be very difficult for a second or third spouse to come into the family circle, knowing there are precious memories he or she knows nothing about, and various allegiances and traditions of the new family member has not been a part.

Rather than destroy what has been, build upon it. A lovely Christmas gift for a new spouse is a book of family memories and recipes. Buy a nice cookbook with detachable recipe cards that are in plastic protective sheets. Then email family members and ask for their favorite Christmas memories, traditions, gifts, experiences, even dinner menus. Also ask for the recipe or two or three for which they are “famous.”

They should email these back to you, and you can print them out to fit the recipe cards. Use double-sided tape and insert back into the protective plastic.

The new family member will be doubly appreciative of your thoughtfulness, for being let in on family lore and favorite foods is a double blessing.

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