Wednesday, January 21, 2004

She’s Rich!

We were scurrying out the door this morning when Maddy, 3 1/2, spied a penny. It was on the garage floor just under the open car door.

She sucked in her breath, flung “Spotty,” her teddy bear, to the left, and her preschool backpack to the right. Then she crouched down, carefully picked the penny up, and thrust it to the sky in extreme exultation, jumping up and down.


I smiled with amusement, and then smiled some more, thinking of how God must feel when we have our little victories here on Earth. We ain’t seen nothin’ yet of what it’s really going to be like to be rich.

In the meantime, what the heck? If it only takes a penny for her thoughts to be so happy, I’m all for cheap thrills.


Prayer request: A theology graduate student I know, who’s a really good writer, is discussing her future with the school’s media dean. It’s very encouraging. Oh, Father, thank You so much for gifting Cindy with the ability to paint Your pictures on the insides of our hearts. I pray that You will make it plain to her what direction she should go with this, in Your ever-perfect timing. Give her Your arrows to aim and fire for soul-winning in years to come. (Habakkuk 3:11)

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