Monday, January 12, 2004

Beat the Parents

You know that funny movie “Meet the Parents”? Well, Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union have a not-so-funny power play in Nebraska’s public schools that I call “Beat the Parents.”

Basically, they go behind our backs to promote abortion to our kids without our knowledge. It’s the only such sad, strange program in the nation. Sigh. What’s next? A class on how to SUE your parents? Directions to the next KEGGER?

Luckily, there are some Nebraska state senators, led by Lincoln’s Mike Foley, that may stop it once and for all. Debate on his LB 172 starts as soon as today in the newly-convened Nebraska Unicameral.

Here’s the deal: school districts in Nebraska are forced by law to distribute information each year to kids in grades 7 through 12. It shows them how to get an abortion without parental notification or consent. Instead, they’re told to go directly to the courts to get the OK. It’s called “judicial bypass.” Who gets bypassed? Mom and Dad.

Apparently the selling point is that teenage girls might be being victimized by sexual abuse from those same parents and the request to get an abortion would get them in trouble – absurd, since they’re ALREADY in a horrible mess and since when did killing an unborn child stop child sexual abuse? Also, the abortion industry says, a teen might have an emergency medical need for a lifesaving abortion that necessitates skirting the parental notification and consent process, even though that can be done in a matter of minutes.


The real motivation is obvious: if the parents found out, they might prevent the abortion. You know, get counseling, get medical care, get financial help, maybe pursue adoption, and everyone, including the unborn child, has a chance to live happily ever after. What a concept.

But then Planned Parenthood and abortion doctors wouldn’t make as much M-O-N-E-Y. Get the picture?

Yes, the abortion crowd may want to Beat the Parents, but WE can beat THEM at their own game. Let’s go behind THEIR backs, only for a totally ethical counter-move. Let’s lobby. It just takes one quick email, letter or phone call.

Nebraskans, contact your state senator and urge a “yes” vote on LB 172. Find your senator:


Prayer request: Thank You, Father, for the dedication and faithfulness of public servants such as State Sen. Mike Foley. He and others have been working on this for 10 years. Lord, give them a victory this time. It will be shared with moms, dads and children born and unborn. We seek to maintain the model You set, that nothing should come between the parent and the child. (Mark 10:19)

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