Tuesday, February 07, 2012


We're in mourning. Dori, our 6-year-old guinea pig, passed away unexpectedly last week. My Beloved was able to prepare the grave and bury the deceased under the big pine trees in the back yard before the 8" snowstorm. But there were still some tender emotions in the house.

Then Maddy, 11, came in with the mail. She was excited. She had gotten a letter! Well, what do you know: the American Association of Retired Persons was inviting her to join, and apply for a $50,000 group life insurance policy through New York Life.

"Listen!" Maddy exclaimed, reading the form letter aloud. "Life insurance can help your family with living expenses . . . or help pay bills you may leave behind, including medical costs, credit cards, loan balances, AND FUNERAL COSTS."

She looked up. "How did they find out about Dori?!?"

Oh, this junk mail . . . it will be the death of us all.

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