Saturday, February 26, 2005


My friend Sue has three sons and says her first two dogs and first two cats were all boys. It wasn’t by her choice, it was just the way it worked out.

Finally, when it came time for a new cat, she picked out a female. She bought her an adorable little pink collar and named her “Annie,” the name she wanted to give a daughter, if she had ever had a daughter.

However, the vet took one look and said, “I think you have an ‘Andy,’ not an ‘Annie.’” She bawled all the way home.

But there’s happy ending: today, she has an “Annie” after all. She’s a mixed terrier, almost 2, and she controls all the males in the house, four-legged and otherwise.


Prayer request: Lord, You are so caring and thoughtful about the details of each of our lives. Our neighbor has been sad because her late daughter’s 21st birthday would have been recently. Meanwhile, our daughter Neely has just made a new friend at the university to which she transferred in January. Out of more than 15,000 students, who do you suppose it is? A girl from another city who had been a close friend of this neighbor family. The parents had moved to a faraway state, and there’d be no reason for the daughter to come and see the grieving family . . . except that she has just become a friend of their neighbors -- us. She and Neely came home for a visit yesterday that meant a lot to our grieving neighbor. She gave Miranda a note her daughter wrote to her before she died, and they cried and smiled and reminisced together. Thank You, Jesus, for orchestrating that blessing. May it redound a hundred times to Miranda for her loving friendship. (2 Corinthians 1:5)

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