Wednesday, June 23, 2004


He’s in his 70s, widowed, and dealing with emphysema. So he has to stick pretty close to home, hooked up to oxygen.

His daughter is one of his faithful caretakers. When she comes by after a long day at her job, he urges her to peek in his fridge and fix herself something to eat.

His favorite food is barbecued ribs. Whenever the family would go out to dinner, he’d always order plenty, and bring the leftovers home. His daughter didn’t care one way or ‘nother about ribs. But because there were also two marauding teenage boys in his family who ate everything in sight, he’d always have to try to hide the leftover ribs ‘way back in the fridge. That way he’d at least have a chance they’d still be there the next night, when he got home from work.

So now, decades later, whenever his caretaker daughter opens the fridge, she calls out to him, ‘’Hey! Where are the ribs?’’

‘’Not telling.’’

‘’Come on. I want ‘em! Where’d you hide ‘em?’’

‘’Forget it! They’re MINE!’’

‘’Oh, yeah? I’m stepping on your cord ‘til you tell me where those ribs are.’’

‘’Go ahead. Those ribs are for ME. . . .’’


Prayer request: We lift up to Your loving hands all the caretakers who so faithfully carry out the exhausting duties of caring for chronically and seriously ill loved ones. It takes immense spiritual strength. Reward them with rest and the fulfillment that comes only from knowing they have served You, Jesus, with valor. (Judges 6:12)

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