Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Principal and the "Principle" of Always Proofreading

We love our middle-school principal. He does fun things like dress up as Batman for the last band concert. He "chased" a popular teacher dressed up as the Joker all over the gym while the kids played the Batman theme song. His heart is certainly in the right place, and that's almost all that matters in that job!


1) He sent out a congratulatory letter since our daughter has received the President's Education Award. It signifies that she has earned a GPA of 3.5 or higher. However, he wrote that this was "dubious recognition." Ow! Has the President's over-standardization and dumbing down of Common Core gone THAT far, as to make academic excellence "dubious"?!?

2) We are invited to a reception honoring students receiving this "dubious recognition." One place on the letter says it starts at 7 a.m. Another place says 7:15 a.m. We'll shoot for 7:07:30.

3) For breakfast, the invitation proclaims, they will serve "roles" and coffees. Gee: should I play the role of a fairy godmother? A villain? Or a long-suffering parent and taxpayer who is tolerant of boo-boo's over and over again from our public school employees, but feeling more and more "dubious". . . .